
Showing posts from June, 2017

Tips to Keep in Mind the Next Time You Negotiate Your Lease

Found your dream apartment or the space you were looking for? Congratulations this was the easy part; the hard part is to negotiate the perfect lease, a hassle that every buyer goes through. If you ever find yourself walking down this path keep these 7 tips in mind to ease your pain and to reap maximum benefits:   Tip #1:  Finding an apartment for lease or rent that has been on the market too long certainly goes a long way in negotiating lease. The longer the space on the market the more easily it is to grab it from the hands of the landlord after all the poor guy is stuck with it too.  You also get some perks and wiggle room to negotiate a deal in a building with lots of vacancies. Tip #2: Extending a lease even by a mere 6 months could help you save some big bucks. Instead of signing the lease for 6-12 months, sign it for 15- 18 months to get a hefty discount. Landlords generally favour these deals as it prevents from going through this process all over again only after a